
Sunday, 22 April 2012

:: guess where I've been ... ::

It's been a little quiet in catandvee-land these past few weeks.  We've both been on holiday with our families.  I'll leave it to Vee to fill you in on her last few weeks, but here are a whole heap of pics to show you where I've been with my little family:

We had 10 days here (never enough time, I love it so):

And then we had a few days here:

{{my husband wanted me to make clear we weren't actually hangin' with the Obamas.  I didn't think that little clarification was necessary, but you never know ... }}

Then it was back on a plane to fly here:

And finally, here (this last one is a bit more tricky .... it's San Diego):

We've been blessed with a totally fabulous holiday, and are now so grateful to be safely home again.

There will be more posts on more specific things about the hol, including the great stuff I managed to buy amidst all the touristy sight-seeing.  Here's a sneak-peak at one of my very favourite things though, from Pearl River in Soho:

{{I so love this crazy bag, it says 'Mighty Michelle, First Lady of Fabulous'.
I'd seen it online, so was very quick to snap up a few as we walked past Pearl River, between Purl Soho and Muji.
After already having been to Kate Spade.
Before lunch at Pastis with friends and a freezing cold walk along the Highline.
Don't you just love New York?  Why yes, I do}}

Hope you've had a great few weeks        xoxo cat