
Monday, 21 October 2013

.: Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap - the start :.

So in our last post, I showed you the mini I'm working on for the Down Under Doll Quilt Swap.

Today, it's time to share the mini for the Mini Quilt Swap hosted by Kristi from Schnitzel & Boo - there's a button for it down in the left side-bar, which I think will take you to the Flickr group (or possibly to Kristi's blog).   There are lots of gorgeous things being made in this swap - if you're on instagram, search #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap and #makeaquiltmakeafriend (awesome hashtaggery going on there!).

I'm calling it "my heart is happy".  And yes I know the heart is kind of smooshy looking. 

The little squares are 2 1/2 inches.  Lots of fussy-cutting has been going on over here.  I've tried to incorporate as many things as I can, that I think my partner will like.

The 'happy' letters started life as 5 inch blocks, but I cut them down once I had the heart idea.  The fabulous pattern they are from is called 'Just My Type', and it's by Kristy from Quiet Play, and available from her very amazing Craftsy shop

At the moment, the mini measures about 20 inches square, maybe a little more.  

There's a lot of quilting coming up, between this mini and my DUDQS mini - but before then I need to finish off a few cushions that are in the works for birthday parties this weekend.

Hope you've had a great week.  'til next time.  xoxo cat

Monday, 14 October 2013

.: Down Under Doll Quilt Swap round 4 - the start :.

Lovely Charlotte put out a call on instagram, to encourage sign-ups for round 4 of the Down Under Doll Quilt Swap.  It's a mini-quilt swap coordinated through Flickr for sew-ers in Australia and New Zealand.  Partners are secret - meaning I know who I am sewing for (but it's a surprise for her), but I do not know who is sewing for me.

My partner put up a mosaic on Flickr - thank goodness - and mentioned a few favourite/not favourite colours too.

Based on all that, I am making "Starburst Spools", a gorgeous paper-pieced pattern by Charise Creates

I loved choosing all the fabrics for this - four different fabrics each in blue, green, pink (which was very nearly purple instead) and orange - plus eight different spool-end fabrics.  Initially I was going to use different low volume fabrics for the background, but I was worried that they would detract from the main pattern, so kept it to just the Architextures print (which I love). 

The one fabric I would go back and change is the "green" spool - I really wish I'd fussy-cut a different colour name instead, from the same fabric - so that the green fabric said "blue" (or another colour) instead.  That would be kind of fun. 

Everything came together pretty well, but I will not lie - the spool-ends nearly defeated me! - they are tiny and I kept misjudging the size of the long skinny piece needed for either side of the spool-end.  So there was a lot of unpicking and re-sewing going on. 

Now that the top is finished, I am going to leave it a little while and think about backing and binding. 

Hope your weekend was great.  xoxo cat

Saturday, 12 October 2013

.: October bee blocks :.

Did you like how I just totally ignored a three-week blogging-gap by moving straight on into October bee-blocks?  I did too.  

We're back at school here in Queensland, after a really great two week break.  I drafted a post with some holiday pics, but that can wait a little longer.

First up to share - pink cobwebs for Leanne of Daisy + Jack for our Care Circle of do.GoodStitches.  The pattern is by Marit of Quilt It

Love this block - I love all the pink, and the effect that will be created in the quilt, once all the blocks are joined together - all the pink strips will form 'cobwebs', and the white parts will look like four-pointed stars.   

All the pinks are from my stash, and the white on white text is the fabulous Annie's Farm Stand by Lakehouse Drygoods Designs - I do love a white on white. 

And next - blocks for Penny Poppleton for our AusModBee, using the awesome Constellations fabric by Lizzy House. 

Love this block + the fabrics.  And how great is the white on white Pearl Bracelets?! - I think that colourway is called 'Bright Star' - it's by Lizzy House too.  

These will make a gorgeous quilt too, can't wait to see it sewn up.  Penny's blocks have already arrived at her house, but I haven't posted Leanne's yet - our friend T has joined the Care Circle *yay* and I need to show her my blocks before they head off in the mail.  

Hope your last few weeks have been great.  See you soon.  xoxo cat