
Tuesday, 27 September 2011

::: made by mee cushiony friends (again) :::

mee friends hanging out by cat&vee
mee friends hanging out, a photo by cat&vee on Flickr.

So I'm on fire with posting today. Someone really does need to stop me ... but of course, if you were to pop over, that would involve making eye contact with a mournful dog with a bucket on his head, so perhaps leave me to it and enjoy the rest of your afternoon bucket-free.

It occurred to me AFTER hitting 'post' (just now, when talking to you about our lovely Lisey-Lou), that I should have shown you a group photo of all our fabulous mee-friends out on the town together.

From left to right, we have Lisey-Lou (scroll down, there's a post all to herself), Bela Blue, Pipsqueak, Millie Mischief and Finn McTrickster.

Stay tuned for our next 'all about me' mee-friend post ... who will be next ... the anticipation really is worth it .....

'til then xoxo cat

1 comment:

  1. Love your little animal friends. I have a boy and girl great children and these would be perfect!
    Glad I found you!


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