
Saturday, 29 October 2011

:: to market, to market ::

Yep, to market, to market. But not to buy a fat pig.

Vee and I not in the market for pigs, thanks so much.  We are all about the sewing kits, the made by mee cushion kits, the fancy-that jewellery kits, card packs (yes, you didn't know about them), and cushions.  And maybe a throw or two.  Maybe.

I've finished six cushion fronts today.  My plans to take lovely pics of them altogether on the clothesline were thwarted by actual washing hanging on the line.  I figured no-one needs to see that, least of all me.  

Here's a sneaky peek of all six of them separately ... or at least, parts of all six of them:
 This one started life as a log cabin with a Melody Miller Ruby Star Rising viewmaster slide in the middle.  But then I found the MoMo Hoot owl in my stash, so it morphed into something else.

I am so happy with this one!  It's my first wonky star, made following this excellent tutorial.   I used a 4.5 inch square quilting ruler to cut all the squares out.    The grey square is surrounded by the aqua and red egg fabric, from the MoMo Hoot range.


I love a 'plus' or 'cross' block - this one is black Echino cars and the fabulous Melody Miller Ruby Star Rising viewmasters.

The yellow/orange fabrics sneaking their way into the pics are actually part of the quilt my Mum made for my significant-0 birthday last year (this was my photo-taking Plan B - "lay the cushions onto Mum's quilt" - when my Plan A clothesline idea went down the tubes).   

And that's it!  I'm off to keep working on the cushions.  And then have a glass of wine.  OctSober so didn't happen in this house I'm afraid.

'til next time    xoxo cat

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