
Monday, 7 November 2011

:: the home stretch (and thank goodness Vee's back!) ::

Well how glam and gorgeous did Vee and her sis look at the Melbourne Cup last week?  Scroll down to the last post if you missed the pic.

I'm so glad Vee's back in town!  I've missed bouncing ideas around with her and our many "ooh, look at this, what do you think" moments that happen during each week.  The sewing just wasn't as much fun without her.

We've had a great weekend - drinks with friends, a bit of shopping, lots of home time, and a birthday party.  Here's a little bag I made in place of wrapping paper for the birthday pressie (it was a Hawaiin-themed party):

There was a lot of finishing-off sewing going on over the weekend too - Vee and I are into the home-stretch and headed for the Twilight Market next Friday night!  Here are my six cushions, and oh yes, they - are - finished!!:

Am so happy with them, and completely overjoyed that they are finished.

We've made three happy little bunting sets - these will be pinned up in the entry way to the market, and will look super-noice near our garlands (scroll down if you missed that pic from a couple of posts ago).

And here are my five little mee-friend cushions, ready for market:

All the close-up pics are in our Flickr stream in the 'made by mee cushiony friends' set, but I do particularly love Pipsqueak's ear.  I don't know if you can see, but there are lots of little stitches in there:

We have lots of pricing, packaging and organising to do this week.  Should be fun.

'til next time      xoxo cat



  1. testing, testing, 123

  2. Cat....I love these cushions. Am hoping they don't sell so that i can have them. ha ha !! xoxo vee


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