
Sunday, 1 January 2012

:: hello 2012 ::

hellooo 2012, what's in store?

We had a great dinner last night with family, then drove in to watch the fireworks at Southbank (the 8.30 fireworks, not the midnight fireworks ...).

We've been down to Redcliffe today to see my parents-in-law, who are on hols there for a couple of weeks.

And now we're back home again, drinking tea and eating the best ginger cake ever, which I've discovered thanks to my lovely friend K - it's from the David Herbert 'Complete Perfect Recipes' book, which all work every time.   I'd show you a pic, but we've just eaten the last piece ... might make another cake tomorrow though, so will be sure to take a pic and post the recipe too.

As for 2012, here are a few cat&vee things I'd like to achieve - not resolutions as such, since I'm not a fan of making (then breaking!) those - but just a few things to keep in mind:

1. sew every day.  Starting as soon as my machine arrives home from being serviced.

2. sew things that make us happy, and then keep or sell or gift those things - rather than sew things we think we should be sewing - stuff like little quilts, cushions, bags, bunting, and any other little sweet thing takes our fancy.
{{little quilt=happy sewing}}
{{cushions = happy sewing}}
3. sew using fabrics FROM MY STASH, rather than buying lots of gorgeous fabrics, and then not sewing with them.
{{gah! - how can I not have made something with this yet!!}}
4. create some more screen-printing designs and get busy with the printing.  Maybe even upload a design to Spoonflower and print some of our own fabric.

5.  make some things for my kids and home - I've never yet made a quilt and actually kept it.  I've very slowly been making blocks for a quilt each for my kids - so more blocks at least are at the top of the list.

6. get better, much better, way way waaaaay better with all the blog stuff - the photos, Flickr, and the blog itself.  So much to learn.  So-ho-hooooo much to learn.

7. on that note - learn more - take some classes - sewing, printing, maybe even learn to crochet.

8. this is my favourite one, and it refers to everything in life - 'do less better'.  I read that somewhere, and I just really like it.

I think that's it for now.  I'm off to do less better, starting now.  With wine.      xoxo cat

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