
Thursday, 16 February 2012

:: loving my latest Etsy purchase ::

Much excitement around these parts, with our Etsy shop being alive and kicking, oh yes (AND a purchase has already been made (thank you)).

Speaking of Etsy love, check out my latest purchase, from the fabulous Penny Candy:

It's a 2012 calendar teatowel, look at how great it is!:

Love, it, thanks so much Amy!  We've got some of Amy's fabulous mix-tape fabric from Spoonflower winging its way to Brisbane - can't wait to get sewing with it. 

We are so happy to have joined the Etsy gang at last, I've been a bit of an Etsy addict for a couple of years - there is just so much great stuff to find, and it's all handmade, woo hoooo.

So - go check out Penny Candy, then click on over to us, then click some more, 'cos it's a bit addictive. 

Happy nearly-weekend to you all.      xoxo cat

1 comment:

  1. WOW, Cat! Thanks so much for featuring my tea towel calendar on your blog, and for linking to my shop and Mix Tapes fabric! I am SO THRILLED you like the tea towel, and hope you enjoy it all year-round!

    Your shop looks amazing! Love, love, LOVE your work!


Oh hello there. Thank you for visiting, and for taking the time to leave us a comment, we really do appreciate it. We will reply by email (unless you are a no-reply-commenter, and we can't!). Have a happy day. cat and vee xoxo.