
Monday, 30 July 2012

:: the Bernina has been dusted off ::

Hold the phone.  The Bernina was up and running today.  Whipped up a Millie Mischief made-by-mee cushion kit for the kids' piano teacher's grand-daughter (did you get that):

{{pink Millie, light blue + purple border, wool-felt and perle-8 snippets to embellish, and a wool-felt heart for the back}}

{{Millie Mischief is ready for Ruby}

{{back o' the bag.  I do love that Sarah Jane Studios balloon print}}

We haven't made the mee-friends for quite a while now, but we might bring them back for another run. They are very cute, and we love the idea of small hands slowing stiching away to create a one-of-a-kind mee-friend cushion to love and keep.  Vee and I will talk.  Get back to you.

In non-sewing news, I had a nice surprise today.  Our very sweet P&C president made us a cake for organising the school fete - check it:


{{after ... and no, that was not one massive piece for me}}
Wasn't that just very unexpected and sweet?  He paid for our coffees too.  Awesome start to the day.

Am so pleased to finally be back to the sewing after such a long fete-enforced break.  Spent quite a few hours over the weekend sorting my fabrics ... again ... by colour.  Still going.  

Happy Monday     xoxo cat 


  1. you are a cracker. can't wait to see what you whip up this time my lovely friend. sorry about my lack of black forrest cakes for staff room today.

    1. thank you love. there was plenty of food today, so no worries. no black forest cake but. I ate it all. x

  2. That Made-by-me kit is a lovely idea....and I am now craving a slice of that cake :)

    1. thanks Stacey, Vee and I are catching up tomorrow for a chat. We plan to make up a few more of the kits - we haven't made them since Christmas. And yes, the cake was delicious. Apparently the cake itself didn't have much sugar in it ... but that virtue was totally overtaken by the amount of cream! Cat.

  3. That cake looks delicious. Millie does look like she will get up to mischief.


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