
Saturday, 20 October 2012

:: Blogtoberfest day 20 - one, two, skip a few ... ::

One, two, skip a few ....  99, 100.

Did you ever hear that one?

Somehow it's Saturday, and we last blogged on Monday.   Mmmm, not very Blogtoberfesty of us. 

Life's been happening, but not much sewing. 

Today, Vee and I were lucky enough to go along to a talk on social media, given by Jess van Den of Epheriell Designs and hosted by Brisstyle.

It was sooooo good - all about twitter, facebook, pinterest, online forums and our absolute favourite - instagram!!  We are not super-great on knowing how to link things from our blog - but we are (at)hellofromcat and (at)hellofromvee on instagram and twitter.  Come and say hi. 

In other news ... 

We are still madly trying to find time to sew for our two upcoming markets.  I've been working on some more typewriter and Jubilee Jack zip pouches.

{{typewriter and Jubilee Jack pouches in-the-making}}
On this way-too-hot BrisVegas afternoon, the kids have been doing their own stitching alongside me.

{{this is destined to be a pillow for a toy's head ... not sure which toy ... or how big the head is }}
{{this is like a fabric yo-yo ... not sure if it's finished or not, but it's looking good}}
We finally had to make a move from the sewing/playroom, which also doubles as the hottest-room-in-the-house.
{{clearly there will never be pics of me in togs ... anywhere ... ever ... EVER  }}
Last thing - our giveway!! - just leave a comment on any of our October blog posts, and you will be in the running to win a Finn McTrickster ipad-zip-pouch.  Comments close at midnight next Friday, 26 October.   That's midnight in BrisVegas.  Here's a reminder pic of the giveaway prize.

{{cute, huh}}
OK, it's time for wine.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  Hope it's cool whereever you are.  Unless you're in BrisVegas, when you really just need to be in air-con.    xoxo cat

1 comment:

  1. Still loving the typewriters!
    I was wondering what had happened to you guys???


Oh hello there. Thank you for visiting, and for taking the time to leave us a comment, we really do appreciate it. We will reply by email (unless you are a no-reply-commenter, and we can't!). Have a happy day. cat and vee xoxo.