
Wednesday, 24 October 2012

:: Blogtoberfest day 24 - awesome things ::

Oooh we're up to Day 24 of Blogtoberfest, and surely we've blogged at least half of those days ...?! 

Showing you some awesome things today.  

Very happy mail day yesterday, brought these to my door
{{so much to love, so much to love}}
They're designed and printed by Leanne Fanny of The Little House Martin on etsy - please go take a look.   Leanne hand prints her own designs onto fabric, tote bags and bunting.  And at the moment - tiny Christmas trees too!! 

I had to cut into the gorgeous owls straight away, and thought they'd go well with a good orange (yes, I really said 'a good orange' like I know what I'm talking about).

{{TheLittleHouseMartin owls + Anna Maria Horner Field Study feathers}}
{{I'm ready for my close up}}
 More AMH on the back:
And Denyse Schmidt FMF spots inside.
I so love it - it's for our upcoming market stall(s), and is big enough for an ipad and maybe a diary or notebook.  Oh so handy and cute and perfect for someone you love for Christmas.

In other news - our new Spoonflower order arrived yahhhhh!!  Vee rang to say it was here so I nipped over for a coffee before school pickup.  We are SO happy with how these designs have turned out.  Vee is a graphic designing ninja.  
{{it all adds up to #loveme}}
Do you love it? - we were talking about how 'needy' all the language surrounding social media is - all the like me, follow me, tweet me me me.  Combine that with the hashtag-obsession we've been developing - and Vee came up with this awesome design. 

And followed it up with this:
{{we do love a good hashtag - a GOOD hashtag, not endless hashtags #tagging #everything #the #photo-taker #can #think #of #that #may #be #remotely #relevant #to #the #photo ... ;-) }}
So all up - a day of awesome, fun things to share with you.

There are only TWO more days for our Blogtoberfest giveway - we close comments at midnight on Friday 26th October (Australian EST).  The randomly-chosen winner will receive this very large ipad zip pouch featuring our Finn McTrickster design, the awesome Curly Pops' chocberry granny squares, and AMH Field Study. 
{{all you have to do is leave a comment.  and have your name pulled out of the hat}}
So please leave us a comment to be in the running.

Hope your day has had some very fun moments.  'til tomorrow   xoxo cat


  1. I freaking love those zipper pouches! :)

  2. Also, it cracks me up that the time stamp on my comment says 10:14pm when it's 8:14am and I'm sitting at the office! :)

  3. Oh oh oh my you guys rock!! I love you miss hello from cat that is all I can say... I wuv yooooh!! Thanks so much for your support, it means a lot :D x x x fanny x x x

  4. I love your new fabric!! I'm off to check out the link!


Oh hello there. Thank you for visiting, and for taking the time to leave us a comment, we really do appreciate it. We will reply by email (unless you are a no-reply-commenter, and we can't!). Have a happy day. cat and vee xoxo.