
Sunday, 7 October 2012

:: Blogtoberfest Day 7 - a little zip pouch, and a little bit of David Bromley ::

Blogtoberfest is rolling along - Day 7 already.

My oldest daughter missed a birthday party during the hols, as we had long-standing other plans (that happily involved catching up with old friends for a playdate for the kids, champagne for the adults and a lovely dinner for everyone).

As school starts back tomorrow, I quickly sewed up a little zip pouch this afternoon as a late birthday pressie.

{{love that Timeless Treasure sketch fabric, I'm using it in just about everything}}
{{very happy with my 'W' too!!}}
I love letters and words (and reading ...), and really love the idea of making a whole quilt that says something - exactly what, I don't yet know.

I made the 'W' from this book, which I'd seen recently on a blog and bought from Amazon:
{{there are so many great word-ideas in the book}}
The pattern was really straightforward and easy - no paper-piecing at all, just sewing one piece of fabric to the next.  Lots of trimming and ironing, but it all came together pretty quickly.  I will definitely use the book again, and have a few little projects in mind, while my 'big word quilt' idea bubbles away.

Here's the pouch inside and back:

{{the triangles are by Rashida Coleman-Hale}}
{{mixtapes, I think by Timeless Treasures ... and oh, I sewed them on upside down .. continuing on from yesterday's upside-down-sewing theme.  I am guessing that 'W' won't mind too much}}
And now, a word on today's styling props ("styling" is a word I'm using very loosely ... it's Vee who is the queen of styling photos).  The awesome placemat was made by the super-clever Rita from Red Pepper Quilts, using Melody Miller's Ruby Star Spring fabric.

And the mugs and enormous teacup?  Well, they're by David Bromley!!!  Picked them up from Capocchi in Melbourne last week!!  Love.David.Bromley.  We went to his 'A Place on Earth' gallery in Daylesford a couple of years ago - completely amazing, but completely not open anymore.  As far as I know, his pottery is only available through Capocchi, but I could be wrong.

OK.  I'm off to get ready for some late afternoon drinks with friends.  Did I mention that Brisbane was 35 degrees today?  HOT!!  Way too hot for October.  Way too hot for me, ever.  Hope your weekend has been a good one.  We are gearing up for the school-routine to start up again in the morning.  Vegemite bread roll, anyone?     xoxo cat

PS - our Blogtoberfest giveaway!! - leave a comment on any of our October posts, to go into the draw to win an ipad zip-pouch, that we are yet to make.  Please make sure your email details are gettable via your comment (that is, please make sure you are not a 'no reply blogger').  The draw closes midnight, Australian EST, Friday 26 October.  Good lu-uck! 


  1. I love love this pouch! I must find some 'Sketch'!!
    I love the back too!

  2. I learnt to make letters using that technique for an online sewing bee - and I also made a tote bag for one of my girls with that cassette fabric - I'm thinking "great minds" here!


Oh hello there. Thank you for visiting, and for taking the time to leave us a comment, we really do appreciate it. We will reply by email (unless you are a no-reply-commenter, and we can't!). Have a happy day. cat and vee xoxo.