
Tuesday, 12 February 2013

.: a glimpse :.

Popping in to share a couple of things.

Vee and I have quite a few things on the boil right now.  We screen printed an order for the gorgeous Elissa of Kelani Fabric Obsession yesterday - the first time we've printed since before Christmas.  Did you know you can buy our home-ie panels from Kelani, and also a few of our word panels?  Oh yes, you can. 

We really should get cracking with some screen-printing-in-action shots to share with you (bet you can't wait to see the glamour) - but we'd have to be organised enough to invite a willing friend over who can wield the camera, since we need to move quickly when we are mid-print.  Can't let that ink dry on the screen.  We don't even drop everything to answer the phone.  Hardcore printers, we are.  

While you're contemplating images of us as hardcore printers, I'll share a pic of something I've since almost finished - the start of a little 'love' mini-quilt for my husband for Valentine's Day.  

It's a paper-piecing pattern by Kelly from Kelby Sews, and it was shared via tutorial on Sew Mama Sew.  I wanted to get a bit of paper-piecing-pratice in, as Jane's amazing block is looming for our AusModBee.  More on that later.  I know my husband reads our blog over his lunchtime coffee + sandwich, so I won't further ruin his awesome surprise with any more pics right now. 

Tomorrow, a few crafty friends are getting together for the inaugral Sew Much More session.  We're meeting at S's house - and she is a master crochet-er - so we are all getting a lesson.  Check out my crochet-kit. 

{{no idea how to use those hooks, but gee they look good}}
We've even started a Flickr group for all the awesome and amazing crafty goodness that is to come from the Sew Much More girls.  Look out for THAT excitement ... I wouldn't bother clicking through yet though, since there aren't any photos to show you ... but the day will come ... mark your diaries ... 

There's more sewing and crafty happenings going on at Chez Cat and Chez Vee, but that's all we've got time for now.  Happy middle-of-the-week to you.    xoxo cat 

1 comment:

  1. Your "Love" mini quilt will be beautiful - I have always wanted to make one of those! Have a lovely day at the crafty get-together.


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