
Tuesday, 26 February 2013

.: sweet pouch from Texas :.

We made a mad dash to the post office after school today - I drove by twice yesterday in the pouring rain, but didn't stop because I couldn't get a car park right outside and didn't want to get soaked.

And look what was waiting for me!!


I am so excited! - it's my sweet pouch swap goodies!  As soon as I read the return address on the  USPS box and saw it was Tammy of Karamat Sews, I knew something very gorgeous and awesome would be inside! 

Are you noticing something wrong with the photo above?  Notice that that 'cow tales' wrapper is looking suspiciously empty, and there's a tiny piece of it right by the Texas-star magnet?  Mmmmmm, a mystery ... or perhaps not.  The girls and I dug into the chocolates and THEN I thought I better take some photos ...  That cow tale was delicious.  Caramel and vanilla. 

I love that Tammy has used Anna's open-wide zippered pouch tutorial, and I REALLY love the fabrics she has used, and that it's been made QAYG.  It's just perfect.  

The Houston/Texas cards and magnet are so fun - we haven't yet made it to Houston.  Or any part of Texas.  And the chocolates and lollies are SO great.  We've eaten the Rolos and the cow tale, but the rest have been stashed in the cupboard.  Can't wait to try the pretzel M+M's.  

Thank you SO much Tammy for my awesome pouch + goodies, I love it all, you have been so generous and kind.  And thank you Ros for organising such an awesome and fun swap.  Pop across to Ros' blog - she's posted the first of a few features from the Sweet Pouch Swap, and included a pic of the pouch I made for Katie!  (which has now arrived in Georgia, USA - Katie posted some cute pics on instagram).    xoxo cat


  1. Thanks so much for being part of it! It is so amazing to see what everyone has made and sent - so much talent and generosity! Makes me so happy :)

  2. WOW!! Very cute exciting seeing all the beautiful pouches everyone is receiving.. such a talented, friendly group of gals.. I got mine last week and I still have it sitting next to my work space, just looking at it makes me smile for now! :)

  3. I'm so glad you liked it!! I had lots of fun shopping for the goodies to send.


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