
Wednesday, 6 February 2013

.: Sweet Pouch Swap :.

The very gorgeous Ros of Sew Delicious has coordinated a perfect little swap - the Sweet Pouch Swap.

We're talking cute zip pouches, sweets (well, chocolates and lollies) and a postcard to show where you're from. 
My pouch started with Pam Kitty Morning's fabulous button-card fabric, and then became a wonky star.  I even tried out a bit of hand-quilting!  Denyse Schmidt spots are inside, and Tula Pink's meteors are on the back.
For the sweets, since my swap partner is in the USA, I went with an Australian theme - Caramello Koalas and Natural Confectionary Company strawberries and cream. 

{{something went wrong with the colour on this pic, it looks a little red}}
I kept forgetting to buy a postcard every time I was remotely near a shop that would sell them - so I was limited to the postcards on sale at the Post Office yesterday.  Hmmmm.  Australian animals or the University of Queensland.  I figure that since UQ is in Brisbane, and I got my degrees there, it's way more relevant for me than kookaburras, kangaroos and possums.  And possums sometimes wake me up at night by jumping on the roof, so I'm not a fan.  The Caramello koala is surely enough of a representation of Australian animals ..... (though here's a hot tip - actual koalas are not red, they do not wear clothes and are not chocolatey - they are grey, fluffy, have sharp claws and make weird grunty sounds).

I had a tiny piece of a cute cakes + lollies twill tape left in my stash, so included that above our label. 
And now it's ready to post - it's headed for Katie in Georgia, USA - I think it will be a total surprise -  I've checked and she doesn't follow me on instagram, so I don't think she has seen any sneak peeks so far.

Lovely Ros created a Pinterest board for sweet pouch inspiration, and a Flickr group for swap-members to share photos - click across to see what other gorgeous things have been created.  Thanks so much Ros, I've loved being part of this swap and will definitely join in again if everyone twists your arm to coordinate another one ... one day! 

xoxo cat 


  1. This has been sooo much fun...Your pouch is wonderful !! I'm sure she will love it!!! And meeting so many creative ladies has been the best,!!

  2. This is awesome! I love the colors and the fabrics. what's your source?

  3. I did enjoy your biology lesson in the middle of this blog post.

  4. Hey, Cat! I'm wondering if you got the pouch I made for you yet. I sure hope so, and I hope you like it!


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