
Wednesday, 27 March 2013

.: lattes to go :.

Since making Jane's fabulous Refractatorium blocks for the AusModBee, I've become a little obsessed with paper-piecing.  I've bought and downloaded a few patterns, which are waiting patiently in the wings.  They're in a folder actually.  No wings around here. 

The pattern I keep returning to - since I love it so very much - is Latte To Go, from the amazing Penny and Kerry of Sew-Ichigo.  My first latte was blogged here.

And here are a few more:

So far, I have only kept the very first one - the one with the orange background up the top - all the rest have been made as pressies to give away - a bit of latte-to-go-love to share around.  

On instagram, Berene from HappySewLucky said how awesome a whole quilt of Lattes to Go would look - just imagine - different colours, different sizes, a whole world of fussy-cutting-happiness.  Berene is the designer behind the fabulous improv word fabric I use so much - it's a fussy-cutting-piece-of-joy.  The 'beautiful', 'birthday' and 'first class' on the lids above are from her fabric. 

Next on the sewing to-do list are a couple more zip pouches.  And then some more fabric-ironing.  Happy Wednesday to you all - only one more day til the Easter hols!!  xoxo cat


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