
Saturday, 13 April 2013

.: rainy weekend :.

Lots of rain in Brisbane today.  Here's a bit of what's gone on here. 
{{this went on for a little over two hours}}
{{still going}}
{{Toyota jumps}}

{{floor cushions for a friend's meeting room.  They're tiny, but they're for primary-school-aged kids to sit on, so I figure tiny works}}
{{finally quilting a cushion-front I made last school hols}}
Happy weekend to you - rainy or not - hope it's a good one.  xoxo cat


  1. It is so nice when your kids can amuse themselves for hours! The pillows look lovely too.

  2. I think our trampoline was the best thing we've ever bought - it's amazing how long they can jump for, isn't it? Your pile of cushions looks great - and look forward to seeing the quilted one in its entirety!


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