
Wednesday, 24 April 2013

.: words and books :.

How is your week going?  We're halfway through!  Looking forward to a day off tomorrow, after the kids join their school-mates to march in the local ANZAC Day parade.  There was a really great ANZAC Day assembly at school this morning - lovely choir singing and strings playing, and an excellent talk given by a member of the local RSL.  It's so awesome to see the kids taking it all so seriously and learning a few things about the meaning of the day as well.

In sewing news, I'm just popping in to share the blocks I've made in the last few days for the girls' quilts.  The colour-themes (just as a reminder ...) are purple/green/blue and blue/yellow/red.  The girls have just chosen words for me to sew into blocks.  First up is 'read'. 

{{all letters are from Tonya Riccuci's Word Play Quilts book.  And the background is Madrona Road haystacks}}
I spent a bit of time fussy-cutting with Tula Pink's gorgeous Birds and the Bees fabric for the 'e'.
And a bit of fussy-cutting went on too, to make sure I managed to include a rabbit under the tree, in the 'd'.

Not much fussy-cutting went on for 'draw', but I was very happy to discover the circles lining up in the 'r' after I'd cut the strip.

And then today's sewing.  Finally, finally, FINALLY, my copy of Ayumi Mills' Patchwork Please arrived!!  I have long loved Ayumi's beautiful creations and patterns, and have really been looking forward to her book hitting my post office box. 

It is a gorgeous book, full of beautiful and sweet projects.  As soon as I saw the Books-for-Baby quilt, I had to drop everything and sew up a book each for the girls' quilts.

{{Owl and the Pussycat by Heather Ross + spines from the recent Infinity line}}
{{see the Sweet Dreams and heart?  from Violet Craft's Madrona Road 'memoirs'}} 
{{do you spy 'quilt'? - from Sweetwater's Mama Said Sew}}
I can't tell you how much I LOVE this book-block.  The quilt in Ayumi's book is made up of about 16 books, I think (without getting up from my chair to check, sorry!), and it is just so gorgeous.  I have so many fabric-ideas to make lots more of these books - I can't wait to find some time to start fussy-cutting!

Hope your week is going well so far and that you enjoy the next few days.  xoxo cat


  1. I have serious Heather Ross envy right now. Your books look absolutely brilliant! Cannot wait to see this one grow :o)

  2. Just darling! Pefect adds for your girls' quilts!

  3. Your wordy blocks look fabulous and I love the cute prints you used for the book blocks too!


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