
Thursday, 16 May 2013

.: behind-the-scenes glamour :.

Vee and I printed yesterday and again today and thought we would share a few pics.

It's oh-so-glamourous behind the scenes, isn't it?  Hope you noticed the peg on the floor in the pic above, and please don't miss the ladder and gas bottle in the next pic. 

Most of these panels are for the lovely ladies from Patches to take to Mad Quilters next weekend.   They have a fab stall planned, and I'm lucky to be going along on the Saturday to help out. 

The black Priscillas are for our shop though - we love how she's printed up on the natural Essex linen.  We have another couple of colours we'd like to try for her before we decide on our favourites.

Bet you're jealous of that garage floor - lucky Pipsqueak has been staring at it for quite a while today.  Millie Mischief is thankful she gets to stare straight ahead instead.  Probably at the gas bottle and ladder though, shame. 

We have some more exciting plans in store for our little Home-ies panels - between now and then, we have a lot more printing to do.  

Hope your week has been a good one.  School disco tomorrow night, so that can only be a capital-A-awesome end to the week.   xoxo cat


  1. LOL I love the pictures. The car has to wait till the fabrics are dry ;-)

  2. They look awesome!! Good luck at the market :) x

  3. Love the photos. Looks better than my garage! :-) I think screenprinting would be fun. Thanks for sharing. Have a great time at the market!

  4. They are sooo cool! I hope I get to check them out at Mad Quilters!

  5. Your panels are so cute!! Hope to get along on Saturday too:)


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