
Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Hello from Vee. My first web site

Here is a peak at my latest Graphic Design assignment, which has been to create a website for my portfolio.

For too many weeks now I have toiled and cried in vain, shocked and scared my family with my overuse of profanities, you-tubed, poured over my Dreamweaver 'bible', been in and out of 'Lynda tutorials' more times than the wine fridge, worked around a very dodgy internet connection, changed internet providers, gone around in enough circles to circumnavigate the globe and comforted myself with 3kg of sugary treats. (That is what my scales told me this morning!)

Anyway, once my tutor sorts me out and sets me on the straight and narrow (i'm pretty sure my coding skills are going to be marked as 'one hot mess') I shall be building a brand new shiny website for cat and vee.

xxxx vanita

p.s I have decided that I am way too interesting and dynamic to be a back-end web coder……I shall do all the 'glory' design work and give the complicated coding to someone who 'lives for it'……YOU know the type……..


  1. Looks gorgeous Vee. You are definitely front end. Use elance or odesk for the back end. KK

  2. Looks gorgeous Vee. You are definitely front end. Use elance or odesk for the back end. KK

    1. Hi Katrina, thanks for your kind words and thanks for the back end recommendations too. Will look into those. Have a lovely weekend and thanks again xxx vanita

  3. Really love your designs Vee, and this is just fab too!

  4. Hi Kirsten, Thanks Lovely. Much appreciated. xxx vanita

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Yvonne,
      thanks for your awesome comment. I really appreciate that. xxx vanita

  6. Tee hee, I am that type. Dreamweaver *shudder*... Give me a text editor any day! Best of luck with the assignment (:

    1. Hey thanks Jessica, I have just received a 100% pass mark……JUST fell off my chair. Thanks for leaving a comment. xxx vanita


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