
Friday, 21 February 2014

.: swap goodies :.

Will this steamy, humid weather ever end?  I know it's February, I know it's summer, I know we live in Brisbane.  But come ON.  Enough already.

In happier, weather-irrelevant news, I'm here to share a couple of gorgeous swap packages I've received.

First up is this beautiful mini-quilt made for me by Rebecca in round 4 of the Down Under Doll Quilt swap (last year!  I posted about the mini I made here).

I really love this little mini - it has my favourite colour combo of pink and orange, and the flowers in the vase are so bright and happy.  The pattern is the Flower Pot from Stitched in Color-Rachel's Penny Sampler quilt. 

And here's a pic of the back, just to show you Rebecca's perfect quilting!

Just today, I picked up this package of gorgeous from the post office.  It's from Jennie of Clover and Violet, and was part of the Sweet Pouch Swap (I blogged about my swap package, made for Jennie, here).

Isn't it fabulous? - I love the sweet pouch, the low volumes are (I think) all from Sweetwater, and the little aqua accent goes perfectly with them.  All the sweet treats are just perfect.  The Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark is the most exciting - I got a little addicted to it when we were staying at the Fairmont in Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco last month - there are three different Ghirardelli chocolate shops right on site ... 

Jennie has included a super-fancy recessed zipper.  So impressed, I have never quite managed to sew one.  

That little tube of handcream is inside my handbag already.

So, that's me caught up on my gorgeous swapping news.  Very happy.  Here's to a cooler weekend - maybe even a little rain, our crunchy grass would love that.  'til next time xoxo cat


  1. Wow, I totally love the pouches you received! I am over this weather too, bring on some cooler nights at least!

  2. Ghiradelli's Peppermint Bark! Yum!! I've told my husband he HAS to go to the US for a conference this year to get me more Ghiradelli's, haha!! My partner sent me the Dark Choc and Sea Salt Caramel and he fell hard for it too.


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