
Monday, 24 March 2014

.: sharing a little cushion-y love :.

Far out, the weeks are rolling by like a fast train to Crazy Town - that's not even a saying, but let's go with it.  We're back now to share a few cushions we've made recently - all to be given away as raffle prizes.

First up - cushions using our Awesome Dad and Big Hearted Girl panels, for a Father-Daughter breakfast at school.  

We added matching-y borders so the cushions will sit nicely together on a lounge - or happily apart, depending on what their new owner's cushion-y plan is.  It's always good to have a cushion-y plan, we think. 

And these gorgeous cushions are for an upcoming school-music-department fundraiser.  The musical notes are from a pattern-bundle by the very-clever Kristy - available from her Craftsy shop

Kristy's pattern are so fun and easy to follow. I used a mix of low-volume fabrics to surround the musical notes, and then kind-of-matching, more colourful fabrics for the outer borders.  There's a bit of a musical theme going on with some of the fabrics - mainly Amy's awesome designs from her Spoonflower shop and also her Geekly Chic line with Riley Blake (the records, mix-tapes, juke-box and the fortune cookies are all by Amy!).

I'm a little sad that all these happy cushions have walked out the door - but I'm very happy that they'll be sharing a little cat&vee cushion-y love elsewhere.  

Hope you've had a good few weeks - we've only got a couple of weeks til school hols, wahooo!  xoxo cat

1 comment:

  1. These cushions are all fab - love the notes with the musical themed fabrics!


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