
Thursday, 17 April 2014

.: we've been sewing ... just not blogging much :.

Happy school holidays to you!  We are coming to an end of our wonderful school hols - the kids go back to school the day after Easter Monday.  We've had a very relaxing, pottering-around kind of holiday, which is exactly what we needed after a crazy-busy first term.  

It's ages since I've shared some pics of sewing - so here's what I've been making over the past few weeks.  If you follow me on instagram (I'm @hellofromcat and Vee is @hellofromvee - you can click through to our pics using the button in the right-hand sidebar) - you'll have seen all these pics before ... just so you know ... :-)

First up - a trio of Easter Bunnies, sewn from a sweet pattern by Rosalie Quinlan.  I love faffing about choosing fabrics to fussy-cut for the ears and tummies.   

Next is a birthday pressie for our friend Tracy - a pair of personalised undies, from Penny's awesome undies pattern - Penny's #sewtakeahikeundies tag on instagram is so fun to look through!  I sewed the undies into a project-sized lined drawstring bag, using In Color Order Jeni's excellent pattern

And now, a couple of pressies using our Bela Hoo screen-printed panels - first up, a pretty massive tote-bag for an owl-loving girl:

And last for today - a Bela Hoo cushion - I haven't made a 'boy' cushion for such a long time!

I took the cushion-pics with the cushion sitting on my ironing-board, which is oh-so-well located under this fun print, a constant reminder of my domestic Queen-dom ... if you look hard, you can even see me in the reflection in the print, but I'm not wearing my crown:

I've got even MORE sewing to share, but figure that's enough to catch you up on for one day!  I'm aiming to be back over the weekend with more pics.  Here's to a great Easter weekend, whatever it is you are doing.  We are off to church tomorrow for Good Friday, and again on Easter Sunday (we're missing tonight's Maundy Thursday service though ...).  My husband is on keyboard-and-singing duties for both services.  On Sunday we're having a family lunch, as it's also my sister's birthday.  Take care xoxo cat


  1. Seriously, you are the MASTER (mistress?...Mistress of Mixology?) when it comes to choosing fabrics that work together. Such an inspiration. You make me want to come up with designs that you would choose... ;-) Hope you and Vee and your families have a nice Easter weekend!

  2. Aww so much lovely sewing! I agree with Amy - Mistress of Mixology!! Happy Easter xx


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