
Friday, 2 May 2014

.: feel good Friday :.

Just popping in to share a site I've found recently through Facebook!  Of all places!  Vee and I have a pretty fraught relationship with FB.  We're not natural lovers-of-FB, and much prefer the awesome world of instagram ... which is of course now owned by FB.  We're not sure what our FB-issues are, but we are indeed working on them - we've even posted a couple of things in the past week - take a look!

Anyway.  On to 'Feel Good Friday' on this rainy, grey day in Brisbane.

Thought you might like to take a look at 'A Mighty Girl'.  They're the world's largest collection of books, toys and movies for "smart, confident and courageous girls".  How fantastic is that!  Click through for a look - all their links - to Faceook and elsewhere - come off their home page. 

[image from here]

Hope you've had a great week, and are gearing up for a fun weekend.  It may even involve a bit of Facebooking - do you love it/not love it/use it a lot/not much - we would love to know!  xoxo cat

1 comment:

  1. Im not a lover of facebook for so many reasons, to be honest I struggle with adding a post now and then onto my little page. I applaud your efforts, feel free to share the motivation hahahahahah :)


Oh hello there. Thank you for visiting, and for taking the time to leave us a comment, we really do appreciate it. We will reply by email (unless you are a no-reply-commenter, and we can't!). Have a happy day. cat and vee xoxo.