
Monday, 23 June 2014

.: Social Tote prep :.

Following on from my awesome fortune in being part of Camille's class a couple of weeks ago, this weekend I am taking part in a Social Tote class, being taught by the very-talented Lorena!!

I've been slowly prepping all the different pieces, carefully following the cutting instructions Lorena shared with us all on the Facebook group (as an aside, these closed Facebook groups are gradually turning me into a Facebook convert.  How great are they!?  Who knew?!), quilting the side panels and steam-ironing interface to all the pieces that need it.  And using my brand new Frixion pen to label all the pieces - it's so good, I can't believe I didn't have one before - I bought it at my local newsagent.  

The Social Tote is a very detailed pattern, but if you break it down, it's not too scary.  And of course, it helps having Lorena guiding us all through it! - she's been so kind and helpful on Facebook, and I know she will be a fabulous teacher this weekend.

The Aunty Cookie Cookies up there are the tiny pockets - I love them and am so happy they are the perfect size!  I cut out a plastic template for the pockets, so I could be sure to get my fussy-cutting of the Cookies right - I didn't want any heads to be cut off when I sewed the curve!  And the awesome chalk letter fabric is by Amy, from her Spoonflower shop, PennyCandy.  I'm using three of Amy's fabrics for my Social Tote, love her designs so much. 

That's it for today, just one pic.  I'll share more pics once I've finished my prep - just the handles and the pin-cushion to go, and I'm ready to roll.  Happy Monday to you all.  xoxo cat

(edited to link in to Angie GnomeAngel's first Fussy Cutters' Club Link Party!)


  1. Oh your social tote is going to look SO GOOD! I didn't know about the facebook class Lorena was giving - probably doesn't help that the only social media I do these days is my blog! Enjoy it!

  2. This is looking really interesting. I look forward to seeing the finished

  3. These look fabulous! Your fabric choices are always so amazing. Love! Thanks for linking up! :)


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