
Wednesday, 6 August 2014

.: the Octagonal Orb :.

Vee and I have a secret squirrel project that we can't share with you just yet - but until very recently it was the major focus of our sewing and computer time - so we haven't had much to share with you here!

But now behold - the Octagonal Orb - Rachel's block for July in our Care Circle of doGoodStitches.

Rachel asked us to use a low volume centre/corner fabric, and then any order of pink, aqua and navy/purple for the three rings.  It was a fab block for someone with a fussy-cutting obsession ... 

The pattern is by Elizabeth Hartman, and the Orb finishes at 17 1/2 inches ... well, mine did anyway ... possibly it was supposed to finish at 17 1/4 inches ... and I'm just right now hoping it wasn't supposed to be 17 3/4 inches, as it's now on the way to Rachel's house! 

The 'owl' triangle is a favourite, as is the 'clothing' triangle with the Kei kerchief girl.   And this is the very first sewing-project where I've used Cotton + Steel, wahoo! - the little pink tiger down there.  

You'll have seen that the centre points don't come anywhere near matching up, but I figured it was more important for the rings to meet up as much as they could ... so I'm choosing to look away from the centre.  

Hope your last couple of weeks have been good ones.  'til next time, xoxo cat


  1. What a treasure trove of fussy cuts, so cute. A good hour's worth of eye-spy there!

  2. I love it so much! There is so much to look at and so many precious fabrics! Thank you! Can't wait to see it!!

  3. Fabulous block cat - your fussy cutting is just amazing!!

  4. Very sweet block.... Love the fussy cutting and my favorite is the pink cat with black strtipes!!


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