
Friday, 12 December 2014

.: XO cushions :.

A really good way of realising you haven't blogged about something, is to go searching your blog for a post about cushions, so you can remind yourself whether you upsized the pattern or not, and if so by how much.

So.  That's how we come to today's post, and my realisation that despite being a slap-dash, unreliable blogger, I DO actually rely on this blog as a record of what we've been making.  Who'd have thought?!

I made these XO cushions for another school raffle prize earlier this term.  The pattern is by Megan at Canoe Ridge Creations, and looking at the size of the finished cushions, I think I must have made the X and O a little bigger than the pattern, but now of course I can't be sure. 

The lions are of course, Cotton + Steel.  And the background is Essex linen in natural. 

The backs are two of our panels, sliced in half and paired with a Spotlight big-spot print.

And now I'm off to make another two set of XO cushions, one set with the X and O a little bigger than in the other.  Have a great weekend.  xoxo cat


  1. I love your cushions, that's my favorite Cotton + Steel print!

  2. Great fabrics, and isnt it perfect sewing weather today :) it is here lovely rain and its even cold enough to wear a jumper :) happy sewing :)

  3. I use my blog all the time to remind myself of variations I've made - especially with clothes sewing! And lately I've used it to remind myself how old some of these clothes actually are, and hence the reason they are starting to fall apart.

    Love those cushions! Who doesn't need an extra bit of X and O in their lives?

    xoxo ;)


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