
Wednesday, 14 October 2015

.: catching up on bee blocks :.

Thank goodness for the recent school holidays, as amongst other things, they gave me the chance to catch up (almost!) on bee blocks.  I get itchy and fidgety if I'm ever running behind on bee blocks or swaps - or even if I'm ever running late for anything.  I'm an early to on-time girl, so I'm back to feeling calm and happy about all my bee commitments.

All these blocks are for our Care Circle of doGoodStitches.

First up is Merran's blocks, made from the Tic Tac Toe block tutorial on Alyce's blog.  Merran is going to sew and and donate a quilt to #quiltblockstohealviolence coordinated by Jackie Gillies.  Jackie is creating and coordinating quilts to donate to domestic violence refuges by Christmas.  She has set up a crowd funding page on My Cause to raise money for all the extra bits that are needed to make finished quilts - all the details are here, should you wish to donate.  It's a great cause, and I'm grateful to Jackie for all the work she is doing, and to Merran for enabling our Circle to donate a quilt for it. 

And these gorgeous blocks are for Jodi, from her Squash Blossom tutorial.  Have you read Jodi's blog?  She's a very talented and prolific quilter.  Squash Blossom is one of the blocks in her Red Sky at Night quilt, for which she's been sharing block tutorials over the past few months. 

And lovely Rachel's blocks were created following a tutorial by Jolene at Blue Elephant Stitches.  Love the colours in these blocks.  

And now I'm all caught up - for the Care Circle at least.  It's a wonderful doGoodStitches circle, with some really beautiful quilts being made and donated for various charitable causes.

I am still one set of blocks behind, for my good friend T in our Sew Sisters bee - they'll be next, amidst all my Farmer's Wife-ing.  xoxo cat


  1. It's as if you've made a list of all the blocks I'm behind on!! School holidays put me further behind! Love your blocks!

  2. They all look great, and yep Im an early gal too.:)


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