
Saturday, 27 October 2012

:: Blogtoberfest day 27 - the day AFTER the giveway ::

We have drawn our Blogtoberfest giveaway prize!!

Comments closed at midnight last night.  This morning I wrote commenters' names on slips of paper and put them into a bowl.

Then shut my eyes and drew out ... Gill!!

{{I dated all the slips of paper too, in case I had to go back and find email contact details #hightechsystem}}
Congratulations Gill!!  - I sent you an email this morning.  Once I have address details, the Finn McTrickster ipad-zip-pouch will be winging its way to England.

{{bye Australia, helloooooo England}}
Vee and I have both been sewing up a storm today.  If you follow Vee on instagram (she is hellofromvee), you will have seen her gorgeous cushions that are headed for our market stalls.

I've been sewing up some home-ie ipad zip-pouch fronts - all with Metro Living, Pezzy Prints and a little bit of Reunion and Sew Stitchy.

And I don't mean to sound weather-obsessed - but it is RAINING in Brisbane!!  Good rain too - and I know, since I grew up in northern NSW where floods were an annual event.  I know my rain #notreally.

Hope your weekend is a good one.  Thanks so much to everyone who has left comments with us during Blogtoberfest, your readership and interest are really appreciated.  We hope you stick around :-)    xoxo cat 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Cat! I've emailed you!
    We have bright sunshine here but bitterly cold!


Oh hello there. Thank you for visiting, and for taking the time to leave us a comment, we really do appreciate it. We will reply by email (unless you are a no-reply-commenter, and we can't!). Have a happy day. cat and vee xoxo.