
Thursday, 1 November 2012

:: Hello November - Helloooo Kelani ::

Far out October was busy, and November is gearing up to be cra-zay too.

Vee and I have a market on Friday the 16th, and then another on December the 8th.  We are sewing and screen printing like mad women.

Meanwhile 'normal' life rolls on - family stuff, Vee's been studying, heaps of stuff happening at the kids' school, all the usual pre-Christmas happenings, and we're thankfully almost at the end of piano and violin exam season.  

No sign of Christmas shopping starting yet. 

In other news, we had an awesome afternoon yesterday - a little anti-Halloween gathering at Vee's house after school.  While we were there, Elissa from Kelani Fabric Obsession rang to let us know our panels are now for sale in her shop!!  Gahhhhh!! 

{{ooooh hello}}
And oh, what section of Elissa's amazing shop are we in, we hear you ask ...

{{that would be Australian Designers}}
Excuse the iphone shots, they're all we've managed so far.

We both love Kelani, and Elissa is so lovely.  Please click across and take a look at Elissa's gorgeous fabrics.  And pay particular attention to the Australian Designers' page ;-)

Vee and I are screen printing again tomorrow.  We're not stocking new stuff in our Etsy shop until after the two markets are over - just so you know.  There are a few panels and teatowels still, but everything we are printing and sewing we are keeping aside for the markets, so our table will look oh-so-awesome-and-inviting. 

Hope your week has been a good one - we're nearly to the weekend!    xoxo cat

1 comment:

Oh hello there. Thank you for visiting, and for taking the time to leave us a comment, we really do appreciate it. We will reply by email (unless you are a no-reply-commenter, and we can't!). Have a happy day. cat and vee xoxo.