
Sunday, 4 November 2012

:: popping in ::

Happy weekend to everyone.  It's been so nice and cool in Brisbane, perfect sewing weather.  

I've been doing a bit of production-line-sewing.  There's a pile of 45 ipad zip-pouches sitting by my sewing machine, waiting for the fronts and backs to be quilted.  Then it's on to cutting lining fabric and adding zips.  I'm planning on getting through some quilting while Homeland is on tonight.  Love that show.  My husband has already told me he'll be watching it in the other room, since he gets annoyed by the whirring of the sewing machine while he's trying to watch the TV.  Ah well. 

Whipped up a cute little zip pouch yesterday for a small friend's birthday. 

The cute little hedgehog is from Spoonflower.

{{she's carrying her own cupcake to a tea-party}}
If you're in Brisbane, and keen for some Christmas shopping at some fun markets, there are a couple of dates to lock into your diary.

Vee and I will be at the Twilight Market at Fig Tree Pocket State School on Friday, 16 November.  This market will have over 40 stalls, a bar, food and an ATM van on site, and will run from 5.00 pm til 8.30 pm.  It's the second time the Twilight Market has been run, and is returning by popular demand since it was such a fun event last year.

And then, we have been lucky to snag a spot at the Brisstyle Indie Designers' Market in the grounds of St Augustine's church on Racecourse Road in Hamilton, on Saturday 8 December, from 9.00 am til 4.00 pm.  This is a gorgeous market, with all the stalls being run by people who have shops on Etsy.

Lock in the dates and come along with your shopping bags.  And make sure you come over and say hi.  

Hope your weekend has been fun.    xoxo cat

1 comment:

  1. I have just nnominated you for a Liebster Award. :o) (I follow you on Instagram too :D)


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