
Friday, 16 November 2012

:: to market, to market ::

Today is the day.  Today is the reason we have not blogged for nearly two weeks.  Today .... is .... our first market! 

A sewing, ironing and packaging frenzy has been happening at my house and at Vee's house.  And we were ready with two days to spare, oh the surprise of that.

Vee has been on cushion patrol, while I've been on zip-pouch and Christmas decoration duty.

All of these:

Became these:

Except for the pi-pouches, they're all large enough to fit an ipad.  Handy to know.  An excellent Christmas present idea, wouldn't you say.

And here are the Christmas decorations, hanging out with my new reindeer:

Vee's car is packed.  My car is about to be packed:

Ted's been helping:

We'll be taking pics tonight - the Twilight Christmas Market at Fig Tree Pocket.  

It's going to be fun!! 

'til next time     xoxo cat

1 comment:

Oh hello there. Thank you for visiting, and for taking the time to leave us a comment, we really do appreciate it. We will reply by email (unless you are a no-reply-commenter, and we can't!). Have a happy day. cat and vee xoxo.