
Wednesday, 3 October 2012

:: Blogtoberfest - Day 3 (day 1 for us ... ) ::

A quick post - we are three days into October already, but we have decided to enter into Blogtoberfest!!  

Click across on the button on the right if you want more info, from Blogtoberfest host Kat ( I Saw You Dancing blog) - but really, it's a commitment to blogging every day, and sharing in the very lovely bloggy crafty community online.

We are hosting our first-ever giveaway too, as part of Blogtoberfest! - it closes on Friday, 26 October.  To enter, you need to comment on one of our blog-posts starting today and ending at 12 midnight (Australian EST) on Friday, 26 October.  

To make things a little easier for us - please start your giveway comment with 'Blogtoberfest' and make sure your email address is connected to your comment - if you are a 'no reply blogger', we won't get your details.

The giveaway prize will be a zip-pouch ipad cover - we'll get sewing and make one especially, and post pics as soon as we can.  Promise it will be cute.  xoxo cat.


  1. Blogtoberfest
    What fun! I'm enjoying finding lots of new (to me) blogs this month!

  2. Blogtoberfest - Welcome to the party, I joined too at the last minute and posted a giveaway as well. Good luck!

    1. thanks so much Laura, we'll pop over to check out your giveaway too!

  3. Blogtoberfest! I'm enjoying the blogs party :)

  4. Blogtoberfest ! This is what I love about Blogtoberfest....finding new creative peeps.
    i LOVE the song lines tea towels....brilliant !

    1. us too - there's so much great stuff out there!! thanks for taking the time to check out our teatowels.

  5. Blogtoberfest! Yes! I just got an iPad and would love to win your giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.

  6. Blogtoberfest! I like surprises. Enjoy Blogtoberfest ...happy blogging

  7. I am so happy for the cooler weather! Happy Blogtoberfest!

  8. Blogtoberfest.
    Thanks for the chance

  9. Blogtoberfest - Surprises are the best!

  10. Blogtoberfest - Oooh, I'd love to enter. I LOVE my ipad x a billion!

  11. Blogtoberfest- it would look wonderful on my new ipad (christmas came early:) )

  12. blogtoberfest. I am having fun meeting new bloggers with this fest.Thanks for the chance to enter.


Oh hello there. Thank you for visiting, and for taking the time to leave us a comment, we really do appreciate it. We will reply by email (unless you are a no-reply-commenter, and we can't!). Have a happy day. cat and vee xoxo.