
Thursday, 4 October 2012

:: Blogtoberfest Day 4 - Cat learns to crochet ::

Thank you so much to everyone who has popped over to say hello as part of Blogtoberfest!  

A reminder that our little Blogtoberfest giveaway prize will be an super cute ipad cover - we'll post pics once we've made one especially.  To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on one of our blog posts between now and 12.00 midnight on Friday, October 26.  We're on Australian Eastern Standard Time, so that's the midnight we're using :-)

We're keeping a list of all our lovely comment-ers, and the lucky giveaway winner will be chosen randomly.  Since this is our first-ever giveaway, we won't be getting too high-tech about it.  I'm thinking there'll be tiny names handwritten on cut-up pieces of paper, a hat and eyes closed to do the draw.  PLEASE make sure your email address is attached to your comment (check that you're not a no-reply blogger), so that we can send you an email if you win! 

OK, getting on with today's crafty episode.

The kids and I met my friend Kerrie at the awesome Threads and More, to have a little crochet lesson.  It's such a great shop - gorgeous wools, threads and embroidery notions, HEAPS of amazing crocheted and knitted goodies on display, a coffee shop attached to the space, AND a big table that today was hosting a very happy group of crafty ladies.  There's also an excellent range of books and magazines - in fact, the only place I've found so far in Brisbane, that stocks Mollie Makes.

I arrived early, so I could buy some wool and a crochet hook (nothing like leaving things til the last minute).  Met the lovely shop owner Alex, and chose some Spud + Chloe wool/cotton, which will be a great weight while practising my crochet-technique as the Brisbane weather warms up.

{{cute colours}}
We had a coffee and a chat, and by the end of our little session, I am pretty comfortable with chain stitch:

{{are you loving the double-crochet skillz too?!}}

{{just to show I can crochet in pink - is there no end to my new skillz ... }}
Kerrie was an excellent teacher, but just to be sure, I bought this book - I figure if it's good for kids, it's good for the over-40 crowd too:

I've been wanting to learn to crochet for a long time - I'll be practising hard, as I want to sign up for some of Threads and More's Christmas Crafternoons - go check them out on their website!! 

Happy Thursday to you, we are racing towards the weekend!  xoxo cat


  1. Blogtoberfest: Oooh, will it include Bela Hoo or Finn McTrickster? :)

  2. Oh yay learning to crochet! It is on top of my list of things to learn, I have tried once, but find it so confusing. You give me hope!

  3. I've recently learned to crochet and I can do a granny square now!!!


Oh hello there. Thank you for visiting, and for taking the time to leave us a comment, we really do appreciate it. We will reply by email (unless you are a no-reply-commenter, and we can't!). Have a happy day. cat and vee xoxo.