
Sunday, 5 May 2013

.: giveaway countdown - post #200 :.

Never before has there been such an unprepared, oops-I-should-have-had-something-special-waiting-in-the-wings blog posting moment.  

My original plan had been to post the giveaway for our 200th post.  But I finished it earlier and couldn't possibly wait a few extra days.

So here we all are at post number 200, and there is just one photo to share with you.  But in all fairness, it is a photo of fabric.  

I have been trying to stick to a fabric-diet.  And I have had some success - no extra kilos of fabric have been sneaking their way into my stash for quite some time now.  But then a couple of weeks ago, I saw a couple of fat quarter stacks I needed (yes, needed) in Amanda's lovely Etsy shop, Westwood Acres - all the Lucky Penny bicycle paths and all the Martha Negley Farmington feathers.  They hit the post office box earlier this week.

And then today, I ducked into Spotlight to buy some cushion inserts.  And saw the selvedge print, and then the text prints ('Gragg rug shop', what's not to love) and the cute Japanese round-the-world print.  And I even remembered to buy the cushion inserts.

So there you have it.  Post number 200 with no fanfare but with some fabric love.  

And now - our giveaway - all the details are here - and it closes TONIGHT - midnight Australian EST.  I will not actually be awake at midnight, I just thought it sounded like a nice giveaway-finishing-off time.  Once I log off from this anti-climactic post, I will write down all the comments we have so far here on the the blog, on Facebook and on instagram (I'm @hellofromcat) and snip them into a salad bowl ... so that tomorrow morning, I only need to to add in any new comments and then, with a possibly similarly anti-climactic drum-roll carried out on the knees of my children - we will draw out the lucky winner of the very cute pincushion!!!   Please click through for all the details.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.   xoxo cat


  1. Drool! That selvedge print is fantastic! Any chance you could buy me a metre and send it over? Will pay you for it obviously :o)

  2. I love the 'Lucky penny' line!

  3. Awesome fabric! Love the selvedge print!

  4. What is that selvedge print called. I can't find it anywhere on the net. If you know the maker...possibly? Thanks!


Oh hello there. Thank you for visiting, and for taking the time to leave us a comment, we really do appreciate it. We will reply by email (unless you are a no-reply-commenter, and we can't!). Have a happy day. cat and vee xoxo.