
Monday, 6 May 2013

.: giveaway day :.

Thank you so much to everyone who entered out little giveaway - here, on instagram and on Facebook.  

I checked all three sites this morning, wrote down all our new comment-names and 'like'-names and snipped them into the bowl.

Gave them a bit of a mix ... sadly there was no knee-slapping-drumroll as both the girls have now caught my cold and stayed in bed, just as I'm nearly back to normal ... 

 And drew out ...

{{the FB means Facebook ...}}
 Yay Jess!  I emailed Jess just now, and will pop the pincushion into the post later today.

We have honestly been very overwhelmed by all your comments and support, and really appreciate your taking the time to read our posts and to comment, it has been a really happy experience.  As of this morning, we had: 35 comments on our giveaway blog post + over 50 commenters on our instagram pic + 210 FB-likes + 574 people had seen the giveaway FB post.  For us, those are reeeally big numbers!  

Five gorgeous ladies took the time to share our giveaway - via Facebook share, retweet and also by having our blog-link on their own blog - and in turn, it was so lovely that people took the time to let us know that too.  So thank you very much for sharing the giveaway-love to Jeannette, Ros, Cam, Debbie and Susan.  

We are already planning another giveway ... stay tuned!   Happy Monday xoxo cat


  1. I am so excited! Thanks so much guys, I'm not sure I will actually be able to bring myself to use it, it's too lovely!

  2. That's delightful! Congrats to Jess!

  3. Congrats to you Jess! How awesome :)


Oh hello there. Thank you for visiting, and for taking the time to leave us a comment, we really do appreciate it. We will reply by email (unless you are a no-reply-commenter, and we can't!). Have a happy day. cat and vee xoxo.