
Friday, 20 December 2013

.: ho ho ho pressies :.

You may have noticed our new blog-look - all thanks to the magic-ery of Vee.  There's more to come, once Vee has finished her graphic-design course and can carve out a little more creative time.  Did you love the awesomeness of her program design for our recent school graduation?

After a prolonged blog-absence on my part, I'm popping in to share a few pressies I've made and given recently.

First up - a fun cushion featuring the awesome Tula Pink raccoons and Melody Miller telephone - it's actually an enormous x+ block, but you can't see it too clearly in the pics. 

And next - my first ever make from Pinterest!  I pinned this fab little tutorial by Erin from Dog Under My Desk months ago, and finally sewed one up for a friend's birthday - a little circle zip pouch to hold ear-buds for the gym!  I want to make one for me too ... though I need to increase my time-spent-at-the-gym first ... 

And now a little pixelated heart mini quilt - made for a wedding pressie - a mix of fun fabrics for the heart, and sweet low volumes for the background.  And the gorgeous Violet Craft breeze print on the back. 

Ted's always lurking out of frame for pretty much every pic I take, so every now and then I make sure to snap one of him.  It's pretty hard to get him to look at the camera - the secret trick is to say "are you hungry?" - works every time. 

Last one for today - little tote bags made for my oldest daughter's two buddies.  My oldest has just finished primary school.  At the start of grade 7, they are paired up with a buddy or two from grade 1.  Ruby was her buddy right from the start, and then Isla came into the buddy-hood when her grade 7 buddy changed schools half-way through the year. 

The sweet 'Ruby Ruby Ruby' panel is by Karen of Blueberry Park - I saw it on instagram, and Karen very kindly printed one up for me to use. 

The cute Queen stamps are from Spotlight, and the zebras are a Michael Miller print, I think.

I'm hoping to share some more projects in the next few days, before taking an actual, planned blogging-break for a couple of weeks.  Hope all your Christmas plans are coming together nicely.  'til next time, cat xoxo


  1. Well havent you been super busy :) they all look stunning, your work is just beautiful.

  2. I love them all, but oh! that cushion :)


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