
Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Graduation Program cover for Grade 7 Farewell dinner

Well.  Our lovely Cat will be absolutely shagged this morning as she attended the Grade 7
graduation dinner last night. (I'll let her tell you more about that another time!)

She and a few other hard working mums at our school have been going the extra mile over the last month or so to organise the dinner.

The theme, concocted by our own lovely and clever Cat was Confetti.

I was lucky enough to do the programs for the dinner and extra lucky to receive 
the awesome thank you pressie below.

Thank you Cat.  

I hope you are not too exhausted this morning.  
A strong coffee or two will be the order of the day.

xxxx vee

Oh so lovely thank you present for Vee

1 comment:

  1. The program cover is so fab, Vee! Awesome colors and so much energy! Hope the party was a blast, Cat--now get some (wine and then) rest!


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