Wednesday, 28 September 2011
::: made by mee cushiony friends - Bela Blue :::
You met the lovely Lisey-Lou yesterday, and I'm back again to introduce you to the gorgeous Bela Blue.
Bela Blue is quite the sophisticate .... sometimes. She loves music and reading (a LOT, particularly history books and books where you have to read the whole series many times, like Harry Potter and Sisters Grimm). Bela Blue also loves to scarper around outside, climb trees and swing as high as she can. Back on earth, she loves to collect rocks and shells and anything interesting enough to keep in teetering piles in her nest.
Hmmm, do you have a Bela Blue in your life?
Bela Blue is one of our limited edition screen printed (on calico) made by mee cushiony friend kits. She comes in her own little drawstring bag, and is for crafty kids aged 8 to 108.
Inside her little bag, you'll find very fab instructions, a patchworked cushion front, a cushion back, and wool felt and embroidery floss to decorate Bela to your heart's content. An adult should be on hand to wield an iron, and to sew Bela Blue together.
Bela Blue can be printed in aqua blue or hot pink.
Bela would love to spread her wings and feather her nest with the crafty kid in your life. Pop across to our little shop and ruffle her feathers today!
'til next time xoxo cat
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
::: made by mee cushiony friends (again) :::
So I'm on fire with posting today. Someone really does need to stop me ... but of course, if you were to pop over, that would involve making eye contact with a mournful dog with a bucket on his head, so perhaps leave me to it and enjoy the rest of your afternoon bucket-free.
It occurred to me AFTER hitting 'post' (just now, when talking to you about our lovely Lisey-Lou), that I should have shown you a group photo of all our fabulous mee-friends out on the town together.
From left to right, we have Lisey-Lou (scroll down, there's a post all to herself), Bela Blue, Pipsqueak, Millie Mischief and Finn McTrickster.
Stay tuned for our next 'all about me' mee-friend post ... who will be next ... the anticipation really is worth it .....
'til then xoxo cat
::: made by mee cushiony friends - Lisey-Lou :::
This is the first of five posts we'll do, to introduce our made by mee cushiony friends. Maybe there will be five posts today ... maybe it'll take us a week to do them all ... what delicious anticipation ... be sure to check back soon!
The gorgeous girl you see before you is Lisey-Lou. Lisey-Lou loves netball, her Mum's caramel slice, playing in the park, and to sparkle and shine with jewels of every colour.
Do you know a girl like Lisey-Lou?
Our mee-friends are a limited edition design, screen printed onto calico. They are available to buy as a cushiony kit, for crafty kids aged 8 to 108 to make themselves. Adult help is required to wield an iron and to machine-sew the cushion together.
Each kit comes with super fab instructions, a patchworked cushion front, a cushion back, and wool felt and embroidery thread, so your crafty kid can embellish Lisey-Lou (or her other mee friends) to their heart's content.
All kits will arrive in your letter-box neatly wrapped inside a matching draw-string bag.
Lisey-Lou can be printed in purple or hot pink, and is a sweet little friend for your crafty kid to love.
If you have a crafty kid who would love to sparkle with Lisey-Lou, please pop across to our lovely little shop.
'til next time xoxo cat
Monday, 26 September 2011
what's on your head?
We took Ted to the vet this morning - he's been beyond miserable all weekend, so I was getting worried something was wrong. Nope. He's fine. Just a sensitive soul. A sensitive soul who is need of a bigger head-bucket, to keep him away from his stitches. You can imagine the happiness levels around here at the moment.
Anyway, since Ted's now doing this:
I've taken the chance to start cutting up fabric to make into coasters and sewing kits, for our Christmas Market stall - it's on 18 November - far enough away to not be scary, but close enough for us to want to get as much we can done during the school hols.
I've been sorting my scraps into my apples too - picked them up in Kingscliff last week, while we were there on hols. Not sure of the name of the shop, but it's on the main street, just up from the very fab Boardwalk Books.
Hope your day is happy and free of head-buckets. xoxo cat

Saturday, 24 September 2011
happy weekend
Teddy's home from his 'fixing' surgery ... and can I just say ... I didn't realise he'd be quite this sad, sorry and sore - what planet have I been living on? He is absolutely the definition of 'mournful'. Here is Teddy 'before' the surgery, looking quite the muppet:
And here he is this afternoon, wearing his 'bucket' ... at least we are able to make eye-contact now:
We had a very lovely picnic in the backyard this afternoon:
And I nipped off to one of our local quilting shops to buy some batting - thanks for your help and the lovely chat, Jenny! - somehow, I have SIX quilt tops waiting to be turned into quilts. It's not like they're massive quilts though - three are single bed size, and three are throws. I'll post pics when as they're finished, hopefully very soon for at least one of them, since it's a pressie for our sweet friend Rosie.
And now, I'm settling in with a glass of wine and my dottie angel book (purchased here). dottie angel arrived yesterday (via Vee-mail ... Vee collected our mail for us while we had a couple of days away here - thanks Vee x). I can't tell you how much I love dottie angel - please track down a copy of her book - it's just gorgeous, full of Tif's lovely words and thoughts, and heaps of crafty how-to's.
Happy weekend to everyone xoxo cat
Friday, 23 September 2011
..... could i just have a bloody cuppa IN peace!
First week of school holidays....started so well.....'sewed up a storm' on the first 2 days. Xmas Markets (8 weeks to go) looking fabulous as only have to make 151!!!! things each to sell on our cat&vee table.
day 3....woke up with a cranky back and neck....pulled out the dusty old fit ball from the spare room and thought it would be a great idea to do some ('creaky') yoga poses over it. Back went into spasms and cramped, got stuck in my upside-downward-dog?? pose, fell off and cracked my elbow. Called good friend Evelyn whilst sobbing through 'girly tears' over the phone. She came to my rescue and took kids out for the day. (love you E). Now in 4th day of physio. Not allowed to sew for 2 weeks.....bloody xmas market list.
Thankful today for : My awesome sister Sharm - we appreciate the plug, My partner (in crime and sewing!) Cat for the delicious morning tea, the vet that 'fixed' Cat's dog Teddy today (he won't be able to accost and jump on the small children for a week or so!!) My kids who have trashed my house and turned it into a golf course and my iPod which has saved my sanity over the holidays.
Not so thankful for: the dent in my hallway wall from the golf ball, having only one bottle of wine left in the fridge, the kids complaining about having cereal for dinner...and oh yeah....the 3 year old having a tantrum because he's not allowed to use the iPad!!!
One week left of school holidays ...oh happy days....xoxo vee photos of 'Teddy' but vet talk bought back fond memories of our once irish terrier 'Jerry' who ripped up an ENTIRE lounge chair in protest after he'd had 'the' operation. (he was poo-ing foam for a week!!) Still love you Jerry. xxxx
Sunday, 11 September 2011
... works in progress ...
cat&vee store goes live
We have concentrated on our mee-friend cushion kits and jewellery charm kits for the kids to make and also super cute sewing purse kits for kids and mums (and all their lucky friends.)
We can now stop mumbling 'soon', avoiding eye contact and all of those questions about when will our website be available!
So without further adieu it is...Ta Dah!! cat&vee open for business
xoxo cat&vee
Thursday, 8 September 2011
OMG....finally...we've worked out how to do a blog post!
Hi to all of our lovely friends of cat & vee.
Finally! the two crafty but techno challenged mums have worked out how to post a blog and photos! Look out Big Cartel we're coming for you next......
Our Big Cartel store will be open for business very soon.
xoxo cat & vee our extreme excitement of hitting 'publish post' we forgot to say thank you to Meredith Evans of 'Evans and Hartshorn' our super star graphic designer who has 'held our hands' from the very start and helped us go 'live'.....