Wednesday, 11 July 2012

:: Ron Swanson Along - block 1 ::

Ron Swanson Along - block 1 by cat&vee
Ron Swanson Along - block 1, a photo by cat&vee on Flickr.

Do you know Ron Swanson? From 'Parks and Recreation' on TV? 

It's a ripper of a show, and there is a lot to love about Ron.

Never would have thought to make a pixellated quilt of his face though.

That very happy thought occurred to the awesome Monica of Happy Zombie. She's created a pattern and broken it down into a 12-step quilt-a-long - the 'Ron Swanson Along'.  Click here to see her hilarious and amazing quilt.

I'm in. Here's block 1. 

Looking forward to seeing Ron come to life.

xoxo cat

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is gonna be FAB! Ron or not, this first square is so cool all by itself!


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